What makes Rootsy's raw honey different from other brands?

Rootsy's raw honey stands out from the rest as it originates from certified farmers, ensuring the highest quality. Our commitment is reinforced through rigorous testing conducted in accordance with FSSAI guidelines, guaranteeing a premium and trustworthy product.

What is raw honey?

Raw honey is honey that has not been pasteurized, heated, or processed. It is extracted straight from the hive and retains all the natural enzymes, nutrients, and flavors.

How is raw honey different from regular honey?

Raw honey is minimally processed, preserving its natural properties, while regular honey may undergo pasteurization and filtration, which can remove some beneficial components.

What does raw honey look like?

Raw honey can vary in color and texture, ranging from light gold to dark amber. It may contain bits of beeswax, pollen, and propolis, showcasing its unprocessed nature.

Is raw honey crystallization normal?

Yes, raw honey tends to crystallize over time. This natural process doesn't affect its quality; you can return it to a liquid state by gently warming the honey.

Can raw honey be used for cooking and baking?

Absolutely! Raw honey adds a unique flavor to both sweet and savory dishes. Keep in mind that high heat can destroy some of its beneficial properties, so using it in raw or low-heat recipes is recommended.

Does raw honey have health benefits?

Raw honey is believed to have various health benefits, including antioxidant properties, potential allergy relief, and wound-healing abilities. However, it's essential to consume it in moderation.

Is raw honey safe for infants?

While raw honey is safe for most adults, it is not recommended for infants under the age of one due to the risk of infant botulism.

How should raw honey be stored?

Store raw honey in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep the lid tightly closed to prevent moisture absorption and crystallization.

Can diabetics consume raw honey?

Individuals with diabetes should consume honey in moderation, keeping in mind its impact on blood sugar levels. Consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable.

Always consult with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist for personalized advice based on your specific health needs and conditions.

Can raw honey be used as a skincare product?

Yes, raw honey is known for its moisturizing and antibacterial properties. It can be used as a natural face mask or added to skincare routines for its potential benefits.

Why does the color of raw honey vary?

The color of raw honey is influenced by the types of flowers visited by bees. Different floral sources result in a spectrum of colors, from light to dark.

Does raw honey expire?

Raw honey has a long shelf life due to its low water content and acidic pH. While it doesn't technically expire, it may crystallize over time. Crystallized honey is still safe to eat; you can gently warm it to return it to a liquid state.

Can raw honey be given to pets?

It's generally not recommended to feed raw honey to pets, especially cats. Consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new food to your pet's diet.

Is raw honey a suitable sweetener for coffee or tea?

Yes, raw honey can be a flavorful and natural alternative to processed sugar in beverages. Add it to hot or cold drinks for a unique sweetness.

How is raw honey harvested?

Raw honey is harvested from bee boxes by carefully removing honeycomb frames, uncapping the cells, and using an extractor to spin out the honey, preserving its natural qualities. The harvested honey is then strained, settled, and bottled for consumption.

Can raw honey help with sore throats?

Raw honey is often used as a natural remedy for soothing sore throats. Its antimicrobial properties may help with throat irritation. Mix it with warm water or tea for relief.

What is the best way to consume raw honey for health benefits?

The best way to consume raw honey is in its raw form or by adding it to lukewarm beverages, drizzling it over yogurt or oatmeal, or using it as a natural sweetener in recipes.

Is raw honey environmentally sustainable?

Beekeeping, when done sustainably, can contribute positively to the environment. Bees play a crucial role in pollination, supporting biodiversity and crop production.

Can raw honey be used for weight loss?

While raw honey is a natural sweetener, it still contains calories. Moderation is key, and it's important to consider overall dietary habits and exercise when aiming for weight loss.

Can I return or exchange raw honey if I'm not satisfied?

Please refer to our return policy.